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Christmas is a distant memory, but Spring seems a long way away as I sit writing this blog with the snow falling, and the temperatures are still dropping.

For some it’s very difficult to remain enthused and optimistic in our quest for being our fittest healthiest versions of ourselves, and we may just feel like shelving it until the days are longer again and the temperature rises.

However, summer bodies are made in winter!! We just need to dig deep for our mojo and remember the time will pass anyway, so why not use our time wisely.

There are many different ways and methods to help you lose weight/lead a healthy lifestyle, and you just need to find out what works for you as it’s never a ‘one size fits all’ plan.

Work WITH your body and not AGAINST it.

Work out what makes you feel good and what is easy for you to sustain. For me, as I love my food and drink, I know I simply HAVE to move on a daily basis to eat what I want without ‘guilt’. I don’t ever believe you should worry about eating cake or drinking wine!

You may argue the fact that as it is my job it’s easy for me to move a lot, but the fact of the matter is I sit down A LOT in my gym. The time spent in there is my client’s hour and not mine to work out in. I may on an odd time walk on the treadmill to keep me warm in winter, but 9 times out of 10 I’m sat down on the bench nattering and encouraging my girls.

It’s the ‘takeaway’ value from our sessions that equal the success.  When we have forged new habits, improved our mindset and self-confidence, it’s easier to let go of any self -limiting beliefs.

Remember you are UNIQUE, and you CAN do anything you want to do to improve your health and fitness.

Making small consistent steps, and seeing and feeling how much better you are is such a great way of boosting your self-confidence and mindset.

I don’t ever want my clients to feel they are ‘failing’ so we set goals that are reasonable, and sometimes we have to re visit the goals and tweak them in order to get the desired outcome. I believe on building on small changes that are sustainable, and encourage my girls to do SOMETHING every SINGLE day even if it is just a decent paced power walk. I am also all about eating home cooked meals, getting good quality sleep and looking after ourselves mentally as well as physically.

So rather than waiting for the longer, warmer days decide what you want right NOW and move with commitment towards it. Decide you will make 2019 YOUR year to shine… create a life you love, and a body you love living in.

Keep warm and safe

Janet x

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