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Hello to the lovely Autumn days and darker longer evenings, however it’s a tough few weeks for remaining motivated in our goals for health and fitness.

Apparently 4 in 10 of us gain 5lb or more throughout the winter months.

This is possibly due to all we really want to do is to snuggle up on the sofa binge watching TV and eating comfort food, and we are digging out our winter clothes which means covering our arms and legs up more.

Admittedly, Christmas can seem a long way away and our bodies are in a bit of a transition. We aren’t really too concerned at this stage thinking about Christmas party dresses.

We need some MOTIVATION!! But unfortunately, motivation is a MYTH!!

We can keep waiting until we are ‘motivated’ like we are waiting for a bus.

But it’s not going to just HAPPEN.

We need to make it happen.

We need to be disciplined and committed to our goals no matter what.

We need to push through on days when we may not feel like it, no matter what.

Shorter days can lead to low mood, so spend as much time as possible outdoors to boost your vitamin D and energy levels. (I always take a vitamin D supplement from October until the end of March even though I feel my diet is good).

A short walk at lunchtime can easily boost your mood and it’s a great way to get a short burst of exercise in.

Squeezing in some kind of daily exercise; before work/after work/on your lunch really can make a difference to how you feel.

Taking control and sticking to a routine all adds up to big changes in your lifestyle.

Keep your trainers in your car, or in your drawer at work and at every opportunity pop them on and GO!!

20 minutes power walking x 5 days per week is 1 hour and 40 minutes of basic activity which is a GREAT platform to work with each week.

Consider asking for a SAD light for Christmas, I bought my son one last year and it really did help him with getting up on dark mornings… I must get it out again for him!!

So, remember, YOU CAN DO THIS! YOU CAN BE SUCCESSFUL IN YOUR GOALS, small changes can add up to BIG RESULTS.

A person who really wants something will find a way. A person who doesn’t will always find an excuse.

Have a lovely October

Janet x

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