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Spring has arrived and the days are drawing out and this is when often we start to feel a little more motivated (or panicked!!) for our “summer body” as holidays, weddings and occasions loom.

So how can you drop a few lbs, and lose a few inches without starving yourself, denying yourself and jumping on a cycle which means after the holiday it all creeps back on?!

Instead of fretting, consider changing your mindset and outlook.

You need to believe you can do something. At the start you need to take small steps to get to the end result.

Big goals are unrealistic unless you have baby steps in place. This links in with belief, because if you are hitting mini goals each day and week you are more likely to continue on this good path.

I constantly think of my goals and where I want to be with my health and fitness, and if I can’t for whatever reason do my daily exercise or eat the food I normally would, I will ensure I am hitting other goals like my water intake, and focus on my sleep for example. I will then ensure my food is prepped for the next day ensuring one bad day doesn’t become a bad week!

Mini goals are like mini victories which keep you sane on a long slog to achieving your end goal.

They give you a boost when it becomes tough.

Sometimes the going gets tough and life will throw a curve ball at you, but this doesn’t mean it’s “the end”.

Instead of focusing on the end result, focus on making daily changes which will ensure you get the results you deserve. “FIRST WE FORM HABITS, THEN THEY FORM US”.

Sacrifices inevitably need to happen. You may need to set the alarm 15 minutes sooner, or spend 30 minutes on a Sunday prepping your food for the week.

Results may not happen straight away, but that doesn’t mean you’re failing or it’s not working. Often it can take a while to unravel years of bad habits and forge new ones.

I always recommend my clients to ‘cut down’ as opposed to ‘cutting out’. To cut out chocolate for example for me is just not an option. It’s not a sustainable life choice, but I can always cut down if I feel I need to.

Finally, like anything in life, if you’re wanting to make a change, you need to be READY. Only start if you have the time and the commitment. If you have lots of things going on in your life, maybe you don’t have the ‘headspace’ you need to be fully committed and fully accountable to yourself (and possibly others) in order to achieve your goals.

Slip ups will always happen, and this is normal, but they are easier to control once you’ve spotted them and stopped them in their tracks.

Don’t be reeled into old habits, remember these didn’t work!

Now go and have a great spring, enjoy the longer days and the feeling of the warm sunshine on your body (hopefully) and give me a shout if I can be of any help in you chasing your goals.

Love Janet x

Janet Silverwood

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